New Year Reception 2018
On 19th January 2018 our traditional New Year Celebration was held at Bremer Schütting.
With 340 invited guests the celebration has again proved to be a highlight of the Maritime Branch in Bremen.
Welcoming the guests Hans-Christoph Enge, Chairman of the VHT Board, expressed cautious optimism with view to the German marine hull insurance market.
He, as well, spoke about further core competencies of the VHT, which are being advanced beside the claims handling:
Such as the consultation and advising in respect of monitoring and supervision of not standardized special transports as well as process improvement for Owners and Manufacturers.
Moreover the VHT is going to assume the accumulation information service ‘KIS’ (Kumul-Informations-Service), which is presently run by the GDV (German Insurance Industry Association). This information service allows users a determination of the relevant risk exposure worldwide of e.g. storage facilities.